How to tell if white gold is real | 8 Simple tips

Most metals are white in colour, and differentiating these metals from real white gold is hard. Today, we will give you a few simple tips on how you can tell if white gold is real or fake. 

How to tell if white gold is real ?

Follow these following tips to make sure that the white gold is real without any doubt.

  1. Real white gold is heavy, and you can feel the density in the weight.
  2. Real white gold has a carat stamp, so make sure to check it.
  3. White gold is nonmagnetic, and a strong magnet cannot affect it.
  4. Drop vinegar on white gold. If it turns yellow, then it is fake
  5. If white gold floats in water, then it is probably fake.
  6. Test it with nitric acid as real gold will not react with nitric acid, while fake gold changes its color.
  7. Verify documentation of white gold purchase history.
  8. Get validated with a professional white gold test shop.

We hope that these tips will save you from falling into any fake white gold scam and help you find real white gold, saving you money and time.

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